
St. Pete Beach, Florida


Source one:  (Brandy)  I was told that the restaurant was haunted.  I believe it was supposed to be a female ghost on the second floor.  I had taken one paranormal group in for dinner but I don’t think that they sensed anything.  This was several years ago, however, and I’m not able to locate reports of the experience.  I want to say that the entity is supposed to be attracted to the place because she used to dance there (they had dance nights and a dance floor, if I remember correctly).  She was possibly killed in a drunk driving accident.  Even these details are shaky.

Source two:  Internet (Haunted Places. org).  This is quite literally the only resource I could find on this online as of 11.24.2016.  “This restaurant dates back to 1977. It was built on the site of the old Casa Bonita Hotel, which itself was once a bath house called “Page’s Pavilion” back in the early 1910s. At least one waiter at the restaurant claims the place is haunted, but we don’t have much more detail than that.”

Personal follow up:  Brandy asked several individuals about the haunt.  The first person asked was a former employee of the Hurricane.  He worked there for a year but had not heard of the haunting.

I ate at the Hurricane with my family on Nov. 24, 2016.  I did not feel that I could bring equipment beyond my camera.  I did ask three employees about the haunting.

Employee 1:  “I had heard it was haunted, but I’ve worked here for over a year and there’s nothing to support it.”

Employee 2:  “I had heard about the haunting, and that it was located on the second floor.  I’ve worked here 1.5 years and haven’t had anything happen.”  Recommended that I ask a long term employee about the haunting.

Employee 3:  “I’ve worked here for 35 years.  I’ve never even heard it was haunted.”  

I am guessing that this is probably a true urban legend.  It has the core value of “someone said” but has lost its strength over the years.

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